Proven Performance for Wood Protection…Pure and Simple.

Our core mission remains the same at ISK Biocides even after 80 years of experience and innovation in wood preservation: To deliver the absolute best in wood protection products, and stand behind that promise with the highest caliber of customer service and innovation.
In fact, wood protection is our only business at ISK Biocides and the single focus of our experienced and knowledgeable sales and technical team. Whether for the industrial or residential market, we understand the lumber business as well as the many challenges of wood preservation. And we have the know-how and expertise to develop and deliver proven wood protection solutions that work for you in real-world applications.
What’s more, for variety and depth of product line, other suppliers can’t measure up to ISK from proven mold and sapstain control treatments to exterior/interior wood preservative stains to brighteners, end coatings, and more. That’s why, from residential and industrial lumber treatments to custom solutions, ISK is your single source for wood protection you can trust.